​​It is said that the more a woman acts like a lady, the more a man will act like a gentleman. I will always greet you in sophisticated, sexy and yet understated attire appropriate for something more… or less. I find the merit of outstanding etiquette to be invaluable. As an elegant, sensual and seductive young woman, this is what I have come to expect from my suitors. However, what is important to one woman may not be equally important to another, which is why I choose to share my thoughts about etiquette.
Discretion is the best friend of charm and will only cause me to be that much more attracted to you. Of course we both know that it is of utmost importance and is a must, whether by phone, email or in person.

Immaculate hygiene is nothing short of a turn on. If you would like to maximize your time with me, arrive freshly showered, appropriately dressed, clean shaven, accented by a pleasant scent and minted breath.
Donations should remain unspoken about at all time if our date is to continue. At the beginning of our meeting, discreetly place an envelope containing my donation on the bathroom counter.

Respect gets a lot of mileage as does appreciation and consideration. Disrespect, on the other hand, is disheartening and I will have no choice but to end our engagement prematurely. This would represent a huge disappointment, not to mention unfortunate inconvenience for both of us as there are no refunds and time invested would be wasted.
Behavior in the form of lewd conduct, vile language or forceful behavior is offensive and totally unacceptable. I am simply not that kind of a lady and will be forced to immediately end our date if this kind of conduct occurs.
The above rules of etiquette are intended to help make our time together as pleasurable as possible for both of us. If you have any questions about issues of etiquette while you are with me, use common sense or simply ask me about it.